Hullabaloo Falls 2018 Apr

Hullabaloo Falls and Upper Hullabaloo Falls, Apr 2018
If you have turned to this blog having come from my post on Narrawa Falls, you will know that the only reason I was at the start line for Hullabaloo Falls was that the name caught my eye when I was map gazing, and, noting that I was nearby, I answered the call. It seemed to me that the closest point to where the falls were was where my map indicates I parked, and, not having any information to hand, that seemed as good a place as any to start.
I have since found out that this is on private property, and, with waterfall bagging being so popular, the owner is worried about his liability. I’m afraid the shots posted can merely satisfy your curiosity. Sorry folks.

Hiding shyly out of obscurity: Hullabaloo Falls

Here are the “Upper Hullabaloo Falls” (unnamed on the map, but marked by a blue line as existing). They are actually nicer.
I decided to head for home via one last falls, viz., Hogg Creek Falls, which also had a location but no information as to how to best approach them. Oh well, if you don’t try you can’t succeed. Off I set. Hogg Creek is in between the Lake Paloona Dam and Lower Barrington, which seemed quite a long drive from Lemonthyme, but a very pretty one. Tasmania is looking ravishing in its autumn clothing.